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Harney Lane Blog
Baby grapes

From The Blog

The roses….I mean the vines…are blooming!


Old Vine BloomSeriously, how many people knew that grape vines bloom? I guess it shouldn’t be surprising since any fruit that I can think of, off hand, does bloom. But unlike a cherry orchard, you will never even notice a grapevine blooming unless you get up close. (Be sure to click on the pic so you can see it up close.) In a grape cluster, the tiny little grapes make tiny little blooms and then they pollinate each other. Pretty good plan really for a fruit that grows in a bunch. No bees needed….self sufficiency at it’s finest. So now is when the farmers wait to see how the crop “sets” to get a true idea of what size of crop this year will bring. So far it is an interesting year in winegrape growing. Early frost for several growers (we were spared) and now an early hot spell. It is important to be proactive by providing a bit extra moisture for the vines in this tender stage so that they can withstand the heat. Check back soon to see how the crop “sets”.



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