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From The Blog

Taking the Time

 I know it is nearly the end of the 1st month of the new year but I believe it is never too late to make a New Year’s Resolution.  After all, the calendar really shouldn’t be the determining guideline of everything.  So….here it is….I resolve to take time and enjoy the memories we are creating more!!!  Yes….I know….who doesn’t need to do this.  Right?  Actually follow through is the trick!!

There have been so many reminders lately of how time flies, how life is short and how I feel like we have missed enjoying some of the greatest accomplishments and fun times because we are so busy planning the next thing.  When it’s all said in done, we will remember the moments that we let ourselves enjoy and not the lists that we’ve made for ourselves.

Just like wine, life is meant to be savored I think.  Especially the good parts.  We have been blessed at Harney Lane with great wine, great staff,  a quickly growing wine club, great awards, great reviews and wonderful friends that grow in numbers by the day!!!  We keep saying that we are in a constant state of development because our business keeps changing and growing.  We feel like we are always playing “catch up” a bit.  I’d say that make us very blessed and it’s time to just put the seat belt on and enjoy the ride a bit.

So……Cheers to a year of good health, good fortune, great friends and to pausing to enjoy and be thankful for all of them!!!


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