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From The Blog

She Shines: Carson Wick




What shining qualities do you bring to your role at Harney Lane? 

I am honored to hold the title of Wine Club Manager at Harney Lane Winery. Any time I get the chance to talk about what I do, I always say, “it’s just the perfect fit for me.” I am passionate about offering wonderful customer service, connecting with people, and wine – all of which get to shine in this job! Even beyond these things, I believe my best quality is that I truly care about helping people. In this job, not only do I get to help people solve problems, but I get to help celebrate special occasions and create something memorable out of the ordinary moments. 


How do you light the path for others?                                                                    

I think leadership goes beyond leading others. It has to start with leading your own life. This means doing the right thing even when nobody is watching. However, in my personal life, there is always somebody watching! Four tiny eyes look to me as a leader and example. The best way I can show them how to be a good person is to be a good person myself! I try to show them what it looks like to serve others, to focus on giving instead of receiving, and to always default to love. Similarly, these are the intentions I also keep as a leader in my professional life. I do my best to serve not only our club members but the others that I work with. We all have the same goal in mind, and we are stronger when we are serving together.


In your life, which lady is lighting your path?                                                                

A mom that I nannied for throughout my high school and college years was, and still is, a big influence to me. She runs their family-owned companies, is involved in all five of her kids’ lives, and manages to make it to every special moment and celebration at school with grace. She is constantly pulled in multiple directions but never complains. She was fully present when playing with the kids or on vacation, never says a negative thing about anyone, and always makes you feel special and understood. She is the type of mother and leader I want to be.

The two women I feel have truly shaped me into the woman I am now are my mom and my sister. They are very different from one another in many aspects, but the same in the way they deeply care about people, which is where I think my heart for people was born. My mom is loyal to a fault. If you are one of “her people”, you will always know you have a friend, a confidant, and a safe place in her. My sister’s way of loving people is through intention and honesty. She is an amazing sounding board and will always be 100% present with you. She not only listens but truly hears you. I try to harness my inner “Lori” and “Taylor” in the way I treat people, love, and lead.



How can women influence a brighter future for all?                                                     

I think that women and men were created differently, with strengths and weaknesses that are purposeful in their differences. Women bring an eye for detail, a sense of nurture and compassion, and organization to the table, while men balance that out with a natural sense of work ethic, protection, and strength. 


What brings you sunshine?

I have come to learn that small things bring me great joy! A big cup of coffee, a parking spot right in front, a sunny walk through the neighborhood, my toddler conquering a new task, an unexpected compliment, witnessing random acts of kindness, being the first one up in the morning – just to name a few. 


How do you add sparkle to a dull moment?                                                          

Thankfulness is truly a magical thing. Even in the dark moments when it is hard to shift your perspective, as soon as you remind yourself of what you are thankful for, you find hope. Those things seem to go perfectly together, hand-in-hand: thankfulness and hope. And these two things can certainly add sparkle to any situation!


Who lights up your life?                                                                                                    

My kids bring me a joy that I have only experienced since they entered this world. My love language is foremost “quality time,” so I am in a very joyful and love-filled time of life with them, as we spend much quality time together. I especially love being outside, watching them experience the world, and learn new things. Another piece of my joy comes from having a husband and best friend to share it all with!



Which Harney Lane wine do you reach for in your shining moments?                            

Tempranillo was my very first Harney Lane favorite and has remained a favorite, six years later! Not only because of the perfect balance of fruit, oak & spice, but Tempranillo is a wine that reminds me of my favorite day. It’s the wine we served at our wedding – and the wine we toasted with (because neither of us like champagne!). We even chose tacos as the meal at our reception so that we would have dinner that would complement the wine. One of our guests loved the Tempranillo so much that they joined the wine club! 


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