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Rain, Rain, Go Away!! Come again in November!

What a spring this has been! As if time doesn’t fly by fast enough, we have to be tricked by Mother Nature?! It is so hard to believe that we are mid way through May already and yet to have any weather above 85. I do have to say, that it made for a much more enjoyable Zinfest with weather in the 80’s instead the 100’s. People actually talked about the wines and the vendors and not just the heat. That said… is time for this rain to go away and the warmer days to come (although preferably in a 85-90 degree gentle manner). While we are grateful to get some of this wet weather following a few low rainfall years, enough is enough.
Rain makes the job of a farmer challenging! It is one of those uncontrollable factors. With winegrapes, this wet weather makes the vineyards more prone to problems with mildew and botrytis. So you may see the tractors out more frequently on a year like this, with repeated sulfur applications or other sprays to maintain the crop quality. Cooler temperatures have also put us a week or 2 behind, although Kyle says that the time can be quickly made up for with some warm July weather.
So, lets hope and pray for some great summer days and cool evenings that makes Lodi winegrapes so special!! And bring it on SOON!!


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